Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Clay Avatar

Hey guys, it's me again! Well, today I learned how to make myself look like clay! Well, not really myself, but you guys get the gist of it. It's a really cool website called Claymation. You get to make avatars out of clay. Here's a picture of it:

That does NOT look anything like me, but i like it xD.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Subjects of the School... And random words... >:)

subjects of school hangman game » create hangman   
This is a game I created using this website. It has the subjects in it, but be warned! There are random words mixed in! There is 8 levels! The 7th has the biggest word.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Google Stuff

Hey guys! It's me again! xD Well, i've got some stuff to tell you guys about some stuff we learned about Google i class. Well, we learned about Google offers. What that's about is where you can buy stuff on sale.

Another google product is the Google Earth. It lets you travel anywhere in the world, using actual pictures! The bad thing about this is that Google needs to update the program. It's almost 3 years old. A lot happens in three years...

This is a picture on Google Earth in Atwood. This is currently Mojo Espresso, a new coffee shop that just opened one and a half years ago.
 Well, That's it for now. See ya later! :)