Monday, May 13, 2013

Google Voice

Google voice lets you hook up multiple lines to a single phone. so if you're out of the building, but expecting a call, and you don't know which phone they will call, then just give them your google phone number, get it setup, and then just sit back and wait. Even if the person calls your house phone, and you've got it setup, then it will call your house phone, but also any other phone you have synced with it. The symbol for the google voice feature is a phone.

Google Calender

Hey guys! Well, today we explored google calenders, and this let's you create calender events, and share them with your friends. So just in case you forget to fill your sister in on when your mom is getting a hairdo, then you just have to sign into your google account, click calender on the top tabs, then type whatever you want on that date. Then just send them an invite!

Google Hangouts

Google hangouts is a great way to talk to people, seeing them face to face, without actually being there. It lets you talk to people who are hundreds of miles away, like a girlfriend in Paris, while you're in the U.S. This feature lets you chat with up to 9 people.This feature is on google, in case you didn't have that already figured out. In your gmail.

This is where it would be if it was working. Click, Try Now, and when it works, you should see a video camera. Click that, and if you have contacts, then you'll be able to start chatting up a storm with that special someone! :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

ToonDoo Book

This is my book, made in ToonDoo:

As you can see, it has my TraitR as a "profile" picture.

If you want to make some comic books or just mess around and discover what you can do here, then click here.

ToonDoo Character

This is my character on ToonDoo, known as a TraitR:


Toondoo is a comic book generator. It lets you create a comic book and publish it so the whole world can laugh, right along with you! Here's a picture of the homepage, after you get signed up and everything:

My username is xxxdinosaur. Go ahead and try to find me :)